Tuesday 17 February 2009

The Taj Mahal. The Monument that every lover wants to visit once in his or her lifetime. It is the most beautiful structure ever created by man in the history of the universe. It was built by Shah Jahan the fifth Mughal ruler of India. But is it true??? BY the evidences that many archaelogists found from the Taj and the surroundings this great truth is under scanner now. 

  Man is for doing mistakes. But how the whole humanity can commit this blunder.
This may seem impossible.It is the common practice in our world that the stronger suppress the weaker. In the present also many things changes its face of truth according to the will of the person having power in the hand. May be this also happend in the past. 
  Many archaelogists served lots of evidences to proof that the truth of The Taj mahal is different from the books we are reading today.

  I am presenting some of them to show that this is really a point to think that The Taj mahal was very much different thing what we are knowing it today.

  So,from the beginning...
As we know---The name of this great building is The Taj mahal,and it was named after the beloved wife of Shah jahan,Mumtaz mahal.
Truth---The real name of this building when it was built was The Tejo mahalya.
Proofs---1.The title Mahal was not on the list of Muslim rulers in any part of the world. It was used by Hindu rulers to denote the place where the ruler lives.

2.The name of Mumtaz Mahal was not Mumtaz mahal but was Mumtaz-Ul-Zumani.

3.If Taj mahal is the place where Mumtaz is burried then why one shoul
d name it as Mahal a mansion place.

As we know--It was Built by Shaha jahan.
Truth-- It was taken by Shah Jahan from Raja Jai singh.
Proof--Shahjahan's own court chronicle, the Badshahnama, admits (page 403, vol 1) that a grand mansion of unique splendor, capped with a dome (Imaarat-a-Alishan wa Gumbaze) was taken from the Jaipur Maharaja Jaisigh for Mumtaz's burial, and the building was known as Raja Mansingh's palace.

A we know--It was built in the period of 22 long years.
Truth--It was only repaired by Shah jahan within two years.
Proof--1.The three firmans demanding marble were sent to Jaisingh within about two years of Mumtaz's death. Had Shahjahan really built the Tajmahal over a period of 22 years, the marble would have needed only after 15 or 20 years not immediately after Mumtaz's death.

2.Prince Aurangzeb's letter to his father,emperor Shahjahan,is recorded in atleast three chronicles titled `Aadaab-e-Alamgiri', `Yadgarnama', and the `Muruqqa-i-Akbarabadi' (edited by Said Ahmed, Agra, 1931, page 43, footnote 2). In that letter Aurangzeb records in 1652 A.D itself that the several buildings in the fancied burial place of Mumtaz were seven storeyed and were so old that they were all leaking, while the dome had developed a crack on the northern side.Aurangzeb, therefore, ordered immediate repairs to the buildings at his own expense while recommending to the emperor that more elaborate repairs be carried out later. This is the proof that during Shahjahan's reign itself that the Taj complex was so old as to need immediate repairs.

As we know--It was built in 1653.
Truth--It is much more older than Shah Jahan.
Proof--A wooden piece from the riverside doorway of the Taj subjected to the carbon 14 test by an American Laboratory, has revealed that the door to be 300 years older than Shahjahan,since the doors of the Taj, broken open by Muslim invaders repeatedly from the 11th century onwards, had to b replaced from time to time. The Taj edifice is much more older. It belongs to 1155 A.D, i.e., almost 500 years anterior to Shahjahan.

Some more important Proofs----

*Vincent Smith records in his book titled `Akbar the Great Moghul' that `Babur's turbulent life came to an end in his garden palace in Agra in 1630'. That palace was none other than the Taj Mahal.

* Babur's daughter Gulbadan Begum in her chronicle titled `Humayun Nama' refers to the Taj as the Mystic House.
*The Tajmahal dome bears a lotus cap. Original Islamic domes have a bald top as is exemplified by the Pakistan Embassy in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, and the domes in the Pakistan's newly built capital Islamabad.
* The Tajmahal entrance faces south. Had the Taj been an Islamic building it should have faced the west.
*The Tajmahal has identical entrance arches on all four sides. This is a typical Hindu building style known as Chaturmukhi, i.e.,four faced.

*The designer of the Tajmahal is also variously mentioned as Essa Effendy, a Persian or Turk, or Ahmed Mehendis or a Frenchman, Austin deBordeaux, or Geronimo Veroneo, an Italian, or Shahjahan himself.
Twenty thousand labourers are supposed to have worked for 22 years during Shahjahan's reign in building the Tajmahal. Had this been true, there should have been available in Shahjahan's court papers design drawings, heaps of labour muster rolls, daily expenditure sheets, bills and receipts of material ordered, and commisioning orders. There is not ev
en a scrap of paper of this kind.